Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Non 12 Step Drug Rehab Testimonials from Prominence Treatment Center

I came to Prominence after two failed attempts to stop drinking at very well-known and respected 12-step treatment facilities. At Prominence I finally realized that the key to my recovery was not simply to not pick up another drink for the rest of my life (a daunting thought to me at the time), but to start living. Really living. Through the individual therapy and many things I referred to as voodoo (boy was I wrong), I have found my true self.

Even better still, I have learned to trust and love what I have found. What I have discovered here about myself, along with the tools and insights I have been given by everyone right down to the house chef, has given me an excitement and hunger for life I have never experienced.

I left Hazelden with the daunting task to never drink again; I leave Prominence with the amazing gift to go out and live my best life. I will be forever grateful.